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@techreport{Boussemart2003a, title = {{Bennet} Profit Function and {Luenberger} Productivity Indicators: Linking Both Indicators, Their Decompositions and Observed and Shadow Prices}, author = {Boussemart, Jean-Philippe and Briec, Walter and Kerstens, Kristiaan}, institution = {Universit\'{e} Catholique de Lille, LABORES}, year = {2003}, address = {Lille}, note = {Unpublished}, number = {2003-04}, type = {Document de travail}, owner = {Kristiaan Kerstens}, timestamp = {2013.01.03} }
@techreport{Shen2022, title = {Global and Local Technological Changes with Environmental Factors: Analysis of the Agricultural Sector in Developing Economies}, author = {Shen, Z. and Yang, Y. and Kerstens, K. and Deng, H.}, institution = {IESEG School of Management}, year = {2022}, note = {Unpublished}, address = {Lille}, number = {2022-EQM-03}, type = {Working paper}, owner = {Kristiaan Kerstens}, timestamp = {2017.08.15}, url = {../pdf/2022-EQM-03.pdf} }
@techreport{Kerstens1989, title = {Voorbij het Utilitarisme: A. {Sen} over Rechtvaardigheid en Autonomie}, author = {Kerstens, Kristiaan}, institution = {UFSIA}, year = {1989}, address = {Antwerpen}, note = {Unpublished}, number = {19}, type = {EMC-werkdocument}, owner = {Kristiaan Kerstens}, timestamp = {2013.01.03} }
@techreport{Cesaroni2020, author = {Cesaroni, G. and Kerstens, K. and Van De Woestyne, I.}, title = {The Shape of Ray Average Cost and Its Role in Multioutput Scale Economies: Some Generalisations}, institution = {IESEG School of Management}, year = {2020}, type = {Working paper}, number = {2020-EQM-03}, address = {Lille}, note = {Unpublished}, url = {../pdf/2020-EQM-03.pdf} }
@techreport{Chen2021, author = {Chen, X. and Kerstens, K. and Zhu, Q.}, title = {Exploring Horizontal Mergers in {Swedish} District Courts Using Convex and Nonconvex Technologies: Usefulness of a Conservative Approach}, institution = {IESEG School of Management}, year = {2021}, type = {Working paper}, number = {2021-EQM-05}, address = {Lille}, note = {Unpublished}, url = {../pdf/2021-EQM-05.pdf} }
@techreport{Jin2024, author = {Jin, Q. and Kerstens, K. and Van de Woestyne, I. and Zhou, Z.}, title = {A Pairwise-Frontier-based Classification Method for Two-Group Classification}, institution = {IESEG School of Management}, year = {2024}, type = {Working paper}, number = {2024-EQM-05}, address = {Lille}, note = {Unpublished}, url = {../pdf/2024-EQM-05-NewVersion.pdf} }
@techreport{Delnava2024, author = {Delnava, H. and Kerstens, K. and Kuosmanen, T. and Shen, Z.}, title = {Semi-parametric Estimation of Convex and Nonconvex By-Production Technologies}, institution = {IESEG School of Management}, year = {2024}, type = {Working Paper}, number = {2024-EQM-02}, address = {Lille}, note = {Unpublished}, url = {../pdf/2024-EQM-04.pdf} }
@techreport{Mehdiloo2024, author = {Mehdiloo, M. and Sadeghi, J. and Kerstens, K.}, title = {Top Down Axiomatic Modeling of Metatechnologies and Evaluating Directional Economic Efficiency}, institution = {IESEG School of Management}, year = {2024}, type = {Working Paper}, number = {2024-EQM-03}, address = {Lille}, note = {Unpublished}, url = {../pdf/2024-EQM-03.pdf} }
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