[1] H. Delnava, K. Kerstens, T. Kuosmanen, and Z. Shen. Semi-parametric estimation of convex and nonconvex by-production technologies. Working Paper 2024-EQM-02, IESEG School of Management, Lille, 2024. Unpublished. [ bib | .pdf ]
[2] M. Mehdiloo, J. Sadeghi, and K. Kerstens. Top down axiomatic modeling of metatechnologies and evaluating directional economic efficiency. Working Paper 2024-EQM-03, IESEG School of Management, Lille, 2024. Unpublished. [ bib | .pdf ]
[3] K. Kerstens and J. Sadeghi. Plant capacity notions: Existence results at firm and industry levels. Working paper 2021-EQM-04, IESEG School of Management, Lille, 2021. Unpublished. [ bib | .pdf ]
[4] X. Chen, K. Kerstens, and Q. Zhu. Exploring horizontal mergers in Swedish district courts using convex and nonconvex technologies: Usefulness of a conservative approach. Working paper 2021-EQM-05, IESEG School of Management, Lille, 2021. Unpublished. [ bib | .pdf ]
[5] G. Cesaroni, K. Kerstens, and I. Van De Woestyne. The shape of ray average cost and its role in multioutput scale economies: Some generalisations. Working paper 2020-EQM-03, IESEG School of Management, Lille, 2020. Unpublished. [ bib | .pdf ]
[6] J.-P. Boussemart, W. Briec, and K. Kerstens. Bennet profit function and Luenberger productivity indicators: Linking both indicators, their decompositions and observed and shadow prices. Document de travail 2003-04, Université Catholique de Lille, LABORES, Lille, 2003. Unpublished. [ bib ]
[7] K. Kerstens. Voorbij het utilitarisme: A. Sen over rechtvaardigheid en autonomie. EMC-werkdocument 19, UFSIA, Antwerpen, 1989. Unpublished. [ bib ]

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